Wondering if this is what life is all about?
Feeling broken, tired, and alone.
Struggle, pain, feelings of emptiness, and hopelessness are with you all the time.
Who am I, and why am I here?
Stuck in a rut.
You work hard but don’t recognize the benefits.
The feeling of brokenness weighs you down.
You’re unable to get ahead and can’t visualize a future.
Life is a journey, and only you hold the map.
Everything you have tried so far has not worked.
Something inside of you is screaming, “I want more than merely living. I want to feel love, connected, and secure in my own skin. I want to be heard and respected for who I am and not what others want me to be.”
I hear you, but until you do something different, there will be more sleepless nights and unfulfilled wishes. More dead-end jobs and meaningless relationships.
Listen to that part of you that holds the map to the life you want to live.
Individual counseling is a time to focus on you.
I want to understand your hopes, dreams, and desires.
We’ll explore what you really want, the thoughts and feelings that could be holding you back, and we’ll build a solid plan.
Therapy provides the space to clear out the clutter in your mind and focus on the strengths and abilities needed to achieve your goals and become the You, you aspire to be.
Now, this won’t be easy because you will have to set some boundaries, challenge past thoughts and beliefs, and be curious and open to what is possible.
If you’re willing to say yes to discovering the best you, call us today.